Friday, March 7, 2014

Celebrating our 20th Anniversary Year!

Stewards show of their new 20th Anniversary Tees

The Forest Society's land steward program began in 1993, with the very first class graduating in 1994.  Since this past year was the 20th anniversary of the program, we all celebrated the milestone at our Land Steward Annual Meeting in February.  More than 60 land stewards and Forest Society staff attended the meeting, which included a delicious potluck dinner and a presentation about the projects and workdays that land stewards accomplished during the year.  We also had a slideshow of photos of stewards over the past 20 years, and a presentation from Betsey McNaughten, a steward who works at NH Fish & Game.

Stewards and staff enjoying dinner
Jane Difley with one of our long time land steward, Lee Baker.  Lee was in the very first class of land stewards!

Stewards Betsey McNaughten (left) and Bob Macentee (middle) kidding around

Several land stewards were recognized for their outstanding work in 2013 during this event.  Moose Mountains stewards Jason Morris and Scott Lavoice were noted for their amazing efforts to create hiking opportunities at Moose Mountains, including significant work on a new trail up Phoebe's Nable this past summer.  Land Steward Bob Macentee, who looks after the Wilkins-Campbell Forest in Deering, was also recognized for his outstanding work assisting the Forest Society in removing numerous buildings and infrastructure associated with a former summer camp and returning the lakeside property to natural conditions.

Land Stewards Scott Veale (left), Hal Busch (middle) and Martha Twombly (right)

All stewards at the dinner received a 20th Anniversary Tee Shirt, made especially in a tie dye brown color that will hide dirt and look great through hundreds of workdays to come!   If you are a steward but missed the dinner, don't fret!  There is a tee shirt waiting for you too, the next time we see you at an event or workday!  Happy 20th Anniversary to the Land Steward Program!

Bob Macentee receiving a token of appreciation for his work at Wilkins Campbell Forest
A group of stewards hold up their new tee shirts!