The Little Harbor Loop Trail, a new 1.5 mile walking loop in Portsmouth, NH, was constructed last weekend by local volunteers. This trail connects three parcels of land which are open to the public: the Forest Society’s Creek Farm Reservation, the state’s Wentworth-Coolidge Historic Site, and conservation land owned by the City of Portsmouth. More than 30 volunteers, including a scout troop, members of the Friends of Creek Farm and Portsmouth Conservation Commission, and several Forest Society land stewards gathered Saturday morning to clear the route and install guiding signage. It was a spirited workday, and a satisfying one as participants got to enjoy the results of their efforts immediately. Several walkers along Little Harbor Road also detoured to explore the new trail just as the work group was finishing up... ahead of the impending snow, luckily! The Little Harbor Loop trail is a terrific example of collaboration between individuals, governmental organizations and non-profits, and the new route through open forest and along scenic Sagamore Creek will be a wonderful addition to recreational opportunities already available for Portsmouth residents. A hiking map of the new trail is available on the Creek Farm page of the Forest Society's Online Guide to Our Lands.

Scouts taking a quick break

Part of the trail clearing crew last Saturday
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